Event Photography


Sweet 16


Live Performances



“Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?”

Capturing Natural Light


For many events, flashes and strobes are not permitted. That is not a problem. We use available light with our fastest lenses to capture the mood provided. Low light situations will create unwanted noise, but using the latest technologies of cameras, computers and software, we can create smooth, printable images.

Pair of Slinglands at live performance. Jambience 2020

Asbury Park, Convention Hall, GSFF 2019


The crowds are gathering and hundreds of people are passing by. One of the events that I volunteered for was the Garden State Film Festival in Asbury Park. Here are some of the group shots from 2019 winners over four days and various venues.

Other Outdoor Events

  • Outdoor Parks
  • Walk-a-thons
  • Live Demonstrations
  • Town Celebrations

Jack Shepherd, Musician

Live Performances

Artists and musicians have the added task of having to promote their venues, and many times it is relying on a friend to capture a few pics on their phone. Every performance is an opportunity to create unique, personally branded imagery for your website, social media and promotional needs.


A night out with friends, a milestone birthday or life event. Capturing the night with a gathering of friends and family make for the best photos. But many times the situation has less than favorable lighting. With today's digital solutions those memories aren't lost. I love using ambient light to create unique portraits that strobes and flashes can't capture. And we create online, sharable galleries for all who attended.