Visitation To THe Farm

A collection of night photographs and light painting by Robert Horvath

A cold November evening in southern New Jersey, on the last night of the fall harvest fire pit events at Johnson's Locust Hall Farm. A few friends got together and spent a few hours by one of the fire pits. They weren't even out of the truck yet before I was heading to the corn field with my camera and tripod getting ready to set up for a few shots.

By the entrance I can see a small patch of corn stalks that weren't harvested yet, providing the perfect foreground for the full moon that night. So I set up the tripod and did a few long exposures, known that the moon would provide a starburst. I was more concerned with bringing in the detail of the corn and the contrast of the tree line beyond.

Harvest Moon, Jobtown, NJ

"Sun Below the Trees"

I had hoped to arrive to the farm a bit earlier to get the sunset, but it was a last minute event, so I made the best of the situation. There was still some color beyond the tree line in the opposite direction. And I knew that my Fuji XT3 would do what it does best and allow me increase the ISO to capture the gradients. This was another long exposure.

Sun Below the Trees, Jobtown, NJ - Robert Horvath Photography

"The Visitation"

This composite was comprised of a series of 30 second exposures and flashlight with gel to control the light. The burst of light from the shed lit the scene perfectly for the color contrast that I was after. I was creating a mood that off frame, something was shining a futuristic light onto the silo and tractor.

The Visitation, Robert Horvath 2020

"Mystic Path"

This was probably one of my favorites from the night. A friend was controlling the shutter release while I was walking along the path to fill-in the light. Those are wagons that are used for hay rides during the harvest months.

Mystic Path, Robert Horvath

Prints Available

If you are interested in purchasing a print of any of the images in this journal, please use the form and drop me a line. Or if you just want to say hello or comment on this post, I would really appreciate the feedback.

Johnson's Locust Hall Farm